Thursday, June 27, 2013

Man of Steel (Rant): Epic BlockBuster with LackLuster Romance

RANT RANT RANT!!! (Spoilers, maybe)
Just saw Man of Steel. Great movie, loved it, would see it again. Henry Cavill is PERFECT as Superman for all doubters who haven't even bothered to see the movie. Throughout the film, I kept catching parallels between MoS and Smallville (the show) and it amazed me how much Cavill looked like Tom Welling. Voice was perfect, attitude, body, mannerisms, etc. etc. Trust me, without a doubt, this man was well-cast.

Henry Cavill: The Superman that made Chest Hair attractive.

Now here's what TICKED ME OFF. WAAAAAAY too many battles. I was waiting for the end for the big anti-climatic battle that would have me squirming in fear to see if Superman would be okay. Didn't happen. What I got instead was a tirade of battles that were almost back-to-back that by the time it got to what should have been the 'epic' battle, I was like, "Ehh."

But I gotta admit this was freakin' cool.
Also, my expectations for Lois Lane went as predicted. Driest Lois Lane performance I have EVER seen. Even though I know they were trying to switch up the back story for how Lois and Clark happen, I didn't buy into it at all. There was more chemistry between Young Clark and Lana than there was between those two. I was rolling my eyes practically EVERY TIME they embraced. The movie seemed to take place over a matter of days, so the development of their love in that time is not believable at ALL. Sure, Lois Lane could have a hero complex. I could buy into that. But for her to know who he was, get that involved with the Kryptonians and fall helplessly into Clark's arms every time I blinked my eyes was NAUSEATING. All these decades later and Hollywood STILL doesn't know how to correctly pace romance in Superhero movies. Tease us in the first movie and then give us more in the second. How HARD is that?! I had more fun watching Tony and Pepper get together than Lois and Clark (who has ALWAYS been my favorite superhero couple). I don't know if it was Amy Adams or Henry Cavill, but I wanted to pull my hair out after each of their embraces.

Quick! Somebody fetch me a barf bag.
And the END!!! I am not trying to spoil but I didn't like Clark's introduction to his 'second-life' at all. Thanks to the way MoS set Lois and Clark up, we won't be able to enjoy a clueless Lois and an awkward Clark, and I love that about their relationship. If only they cut out all the romance crap or at least waited until the second movie to focus on Lois and Clark, then the pairing could've been better.

Clark with glasses is adorkably not a dork! Wait, what?
And even though I don't really like the Lana character, I am SO mad that they just brushed over her like that! Are we even going to get to see Clark's first romantic interest? Smallville may have dragged that relationship on until we had a Kryptonitic Lana Lang flying somewhere that didn't lead to Clark doubling over and spitting out blood, but at least we got a solid look at Lana and Clark. If she doesn't show up as a flash back or something in the next Man of Steel movies, it won't be suffice to say that I'll be upset.

Oh God, it's She-Hulk— oh wait, it's just Lana Lang.
GAH!!!! Henry Cavill was perfect, loved Jor-El and Jonathan Kent, General Zod was intimidating yet understandable, Faora-Ul was a freakin' BAMF, but they all led a lackluster film that could have been so much more.

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